What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?

04/22/202015:11:04 Comments 475
Lead: Traditional the AGV (the Automated the Guided Vehicle, i.e., automated guided vehicles) navigation primarily by magnetic stripe, magnetic nail, the ribbon guide, or two-dimensional code, etc., which are used in common are fixed route guidance, the presence of Congenital defects of poor flexibility and flexibility, and high dependence on the environment, faced with complex work scenarios, traditional AGV is difficult to meet customer needs.


       However, in recent years, the laser navigation AGV based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping, synchronous positioning and map construction) technology has gradually matured, which can adapt to complex, cumbersome and intelligent command requirements, effectively solving the existence of the first and second generation AGV products. The pain point problem can meet the lean and flexible production needs of manufacturing companies, and AGV has thus entered the third generation AGV era represented by laser navigation.


4 major scene applications to meet the needs of intelligent manufacturing

At present, the manufacturing industry is faced with problems such as increased labor costs and difficult recruitment, but some repetitive and cumbersome necessary work is an indispensable link in the manufacturing chain; at the same time, strict handling of some valuable components and processes are also required. It is necessary to strengthen the transportation and management of materials. Therefore, to increase the level of production intelligence is also in front of enterprise managers.

Stander Robot (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Stande") Liang Kaixiang introduced to OFweek robot network: "Laser navigation AGV is a robot mainly used for material handling, suitable for semiconductor, automobile manufacturing, 3C manufacturing and other industries . "And further shared the four major application scenarios of the Stander robot.

The first is the handling in the warehouse, which mainly solves the problems of material transportation and management in the warehouse. It is a scene that is currently widely used.

The second is the handling in the production line, which is used to complete the material handling and management problems in the production line.

The third is the transportation from the warehouse to the production line. Together with the transportation scene in the production line, it is currently the most widely used scenario.

The above three scenarios are basically one-to-one material handling. The laser navigation AGV can detect the surrounding environment in real time through lidar . When encountering obstacles such as moving people, objects, forklifts, etc., the laser navigation AGV will stop or Waiting for the personnel and the forklift to walk away will continue to move forward; if it is determined that the obstacle cannot be moved, the laser navigation AGV will automatically find a path around the obstacle to reach the destination.

"Compared with traditional methods, the biggest advantage of the laser navigation AGV is that it does not need to make any changes to the environment. It has strong obstacle avoidance capabilities and good adaptability to complex environments. This is also the core advantage of Stander robot products." .

The fourth scenario is cross-production line transportation, which is a many-to-many transportation method. It is also the most complex and most difficult application among the four scenarios. Due to the low correlation between cross-production lines, there is no conveyor belt for material transportation between each other, and it may involve the situation of multi-demand, cross-floor, multiple materials interspersed with multiple production lines in complex scenarios; the environment is no longer fixed It often encounters situations such as people walking, continuous flow of vehicles, and disorderly stacking of items, which poses great challenges for AGV applications. Traditional AGV products obviously cannot meet the needs of material transportation in such complex scenarios.

Stander Laser Navigation AGV is a flexible transportation equipment that supports the ability to cope with complex environments, and has a mature multi-to-multi-material transportation solution that can meet the loading and unloading of materials across complex production lines in complex scenarios.


A full set of solutions to adapt to intelligent needs

The current AGV products mainly solve the problem of material transportation, and the release and retrieval of materials mainly rely on manual completion. However, for some production lines with high requirements for intelligence, AGV has been required to have the ability to independently put and retrieve materials.

What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?

       Stander provides a number of semi-intelligent and fully intelligent material transportation solutions according to the intelligent needs of different industries and different scenarios. It is common to use the semi-intelligent way of the material truck, that is, the material is placed and retrieved manually, and the laser navigation AGV only needs to complete the transportation. For industries that require high levels of intelligence, Stander provides a drum solution for its laser navigation AGV to meet the automatic loading and unloading requirements of standard products. This solution greatly reduces the environmental pollution of materials and the secondary caused by AGV equipment. Probability issues such as pollution ensure safe production.

What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?


What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?

       If the application scenario has more flexible automatic loading and unloading requirements, Stander's robotic arm solution will be able to solve this problem well. The laser navigation AGV supporting the robotic arm is a new type of application, which can realize the automatic loading and unloading function of materials. This method reduces the participation of people and helps to improve the work efficiency of the production line.

What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?

       Stande Liang Kaixiang told OFweek Robot Network that the environment and scenes will change with changing needs. Another advantage of Stande is to have a complete and mature technical team that can customize and meet the needs of customers in a very short time. Laser navigation AGV. Not only that, the maintenance cost of Stande products is very low in the entire life cycle, which eliminates the user's worry about later product failures, and ensures the efficient and continuous production.


 From product to data, create maximum value for users

The all-weather work attributes and complex scene adaptability of the STV laser navigation AGV, as well as the high-level intelligent material transportation ability, can effectively reduce the manual workload and release the manpower well. Importantly, for some high-risk locations, the STAND laser navigation AGV can well allow staff to avoid direct contact risks and improve production safety.

What scenarios can the laser navigation AGV be used for?

       Material transportation also often encounters confusion in the transportation list, but after using the STAND laser navigation AGV product, the product's shipping information (delivered product details, originator, time, start and end points, etc.), reception status (recipient, time, Location, product details at the time of receipt, etc.) have detailed records, all information is clear and accessible.

In this way, the operator can not only check the entire production process, but also facilitate the inspection and tracking of manufactured defective products, which is conducive to improving the efficiency of production management and quality control.

Under continuous use, the AGV based on laser navigation will form huge production data. At this time, the big data analysis platform provided by Stander can monitor and predict the production status in real time, providing an important reference for the production manager to make plans.


Multiple care, flexible empowerment

In addition to supporting the multi-scene intelligent material transmission function, the STAND laser navigation AGV itself also provides multiple security protection mechanisms, such as multi- sensor perception environment technology, to respond to the absolute security requirements of AGVs for personnel in the complex environment; The multiple design of sound and light alarm, anti-collision touch edge, and emergency stop button ensure maximum safety production.

It also has the characteristics of high flexibility, and in practical applications, the applicability, stability and simplicity of the STAND laser navigation AGV have been unanimously approved by customers, and have been approved by Huawei, ZTE, Foxconn, Valeo, China Recognized by excellent customers in other industries, and have completed the actual project case landing and multiple repurchase, suitable for automotive, semiconductor, flexible production lines and other demand, high frequency, multi-configuration material pain point scenarios, fully empower the intelligent manufacturing industry upgrade .


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