In 2018, China’s AGV robot sales reached 29,600 units, with sales of 4.25 billion yuan.

09/12/201914:41:00 Comments 883

In 2018, AGV robots have achieved steady growth in both industrial scale and product sales. According to the data survey of China Mobile Robotics (AGV) Industry Alliance and New Strategic Robot Industry Research Institute, the number of AGV robot related products in China market in 2018 is newer than 2017. In the year of 2018, the company achieved an increase of 29,600 mobile robots (AGV), including ordinary AGV, AGC, forklift AGV, e-commerce warehousing logistics AGV, parking and outdoor heavy-duty AGV, etc., with a market size of 4.25 billion. yuan.

In 2018, China's AGV robot sales reached 29,600 units, with sales of 4.25 billion yuan.

New additions to AGV robots in 2011-2018

In 2018, China's AGV robot sales reached 29,600 units, with sales of 4.25 billion yuan.

The scale of the AGV robot market in 2011-2018

Warehousing AGV has joined the statistical caliber of the overall AGV data since 2016, so the growth rate has increased significantly since 2016. Continue to maintain high growth in 2018. In addition, under the background of intelligent manufacturing, the continuous development of the internal logistics technology of the factory has significantly increased the demand for AGV-related products.


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