Introduction to AGV characteristics

07/10/201915:08:26 Comments 532

The introduction of AGV promoted industrial technological progress, reduced labor intensity, reduced staffing, eliminated backward production processes and equipment, optimized production structure, saved manpower, material resources and financial resources; created human-machine friendly, harmonious and pleasant, A scientific and civilized production environment. At the same time, the company has obtained good social benefits while obtaining good economic benefits.
AGV technology is still in development. With the further development of high technology, AGV will be suitable for a wider range of industrial or non-industrial needs and will be more widely used.、

Introduction to AGV characteristics
AGV work diagram

The Ouyi Robot AGV has the following features:

  1. The AGV system is mature and widely used in various fields at home and abroad;
  2. The expansion of the AGV system is convenient;
  3. The operation path of the AGV is easy to change;
  4. Flexible management of AGV;
    5, AGV online automatic charging;
    6, AGV failure rate is low, easy to maintain;
    7, AGV appearance is beautiful, anti-corrosion and rust;
  5. AGV cargo transportation is stable and accurate.


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