What is the working process of AGV?

05/14/202011:32:52 Comments 461

AGV is a kind of unmanned handling equipment, which is sought after by a large wave of enterprises. It can help enterprises realize intelligent automated production and improve enterprise efficiency. So what is the working process of AGV?

What is the working process of AGV?
The AGV system has the following functions:
①Map drawing function
The map drawing function of AGV can be manually drawn and displayed on the car interface according to the actual environment of the factory, and the map can be directly modified automatically after the site changes;   The driving channel, the arrangement of the stations and the location of the charging station can be added to the map; after the local map is saved, it can be used as the actual operation scenario of the AGV, and its scheduling system can implement scheduling tasks for multiple AGVs.
②Data communication
This is to establish data communication and signal transmission with AGV and equipment to achieve through WiFi
③ Dispatching system
Can send task order to AGV and receive status and feedback of AGV;
④ Dispatching system and equipment
Receive the equipment and send the replenishment request or refill completion signal, etc.
⑤Task management
The scheduling system receives the replenishment requests from different equipment and generates specific feeding tasks, and can form a list of tasks according to the order; after receiving the replenishment completion signal sent by the equipment, the corresponding feeding tasks can be removed from the list Eliminate.
⑥Vehicle management
The scheduling system can compose the AGV list according to the order of the AGV's IP number in the wireless local area network. When the AGV sends status and location information to the dispatching system at intervals, the list of AGVs can update the status and current position of each AGV, and can manage all vehicles.
⑦ Vehicle scheduling
The feeding task scheduling system of each car will calculate an appropriate plan according to the conditions of whether all AGVs are currently idle, whether the power is sufficient, and the length of the mileage traveled, and reasonable allocation of multiple AGVs to complete all feeding tasks. When the power of the AGV is insufficient, help the AGV select an appropriate charging station for automatic charging when the AGV is idle.
⑧Path planning
The scheduling system helps the AGV to independently plan the driving route for the task of feeding, and can change the path for the AGV at any time if it encounters a sudden situation.
⑨Traffic control
When multiple AGVs pass through an intersection at the same time or when they are driving on the same channel, they can judge the conditions according to the priority of the task and the priority of the AGV, and command multiple AGVs to pass through and select other Route to avoid.
⑩Status monitoring
On the visual interface, display the communication status of all AGVts, equipment and dispatch system, the task list of feeding, the working status list of AGVts, the map of the factory, the running status of the dispatch system, fault alarm and query, etc.


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