Efficient material handling by AGV in manufacturing system

04/17/202016:16:58 Comments 428

In the manufacturing system, the transportation of materials includes the storage and transportation of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. learned that the cost of material transportation in manufacturing system accounts for 20% to 50% of the total manufacturing cost. The unmanned AGV automatic transportation system makes the production logistics more efficient, accurate and flexible, and achieves the goal of reducing transportation cost.
AGV(Automated Guided Vehicles), which integrates AI information processing and image processing, covers many disciplines such as computer, automatic control, information and communication machinery design, electronic technology, etc. AGV has trackless, intelligence, automatic site identification, automatic guidance(self-driving) and wireless communication capabilities, and has high flexibility in automatic operation, which can move forward, backward, turn and spin; it has three operating modes of manual off-line and automatic operation, and the functions of material handling and transporting. AGV can be carried out efficiently and accurately in manufacturing system. Material handling operation.

Efficient material handling by AGV in manufacturing system
1. AGV effectively solves the problem that the material handling staff continuously walks between different cargo spaces and causes a lot of time to walk, thereby greatly improving the working productivity.
2. AGV can also overcome the time limit of manpower handling, artificial needs to take a break from work, but AGV can continue to work 24 hours a day.
3. No need for personnel to participate in the whole process, can avoid long-term handling injuries.
4. Maintenance is simple. All parts in the AGV system that require maintenance are designed with quick installation. Only batteries and wheels need regular maintenance, but they all require more than 2 years of maintenance and maintenance work, and will not burden the production of the workshop. And all AGVs in the AGV system can be maintained separately.
5. AGV adopts wireless network computer control, which can easily provide interface with automatic storage/removal, numerical control equipment, FMS, automatic assembly and other systems.
6. Saving energy and protecting the environment, AGV's charging and driving system consumes less energy, has high energy utilization, low noise, and has no adverse impact on the manufacturing environment.


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