Communication protocol of AGV computer

07/29/201910:49:19 Comments 768

Communication protocol of AGV computer
Communication mode: asynchronous semiduplex, 1 start bit + 8 digit bit + 1 stop bit, no parity bit, no fluid control. Baud rete: 9600 bps

Communication protocol of AGV computer

Communication protocol of AGV computer

Protocol format:  Protocol header:    AAH + BBH
AGV station:  00H-07H .There’s only one vehicle of this system, so the default station setting is OOh.
Function number    :
01H---------- Whether the communication between wheels and computer is online or not
02H---------- Vehicle answering for the wheel information of computer
03H---------- Computer sending route information
04H---------- Vehicle answering route information, receiving succeed and requiring for next route
05H---------- Computer requiring vehicle to run
06H---------- Vehicle answering start command and running
07H---------- Vehicle finishing current route
08H---------- Vehicle finishing all routes of current route table, arriving permanent station
09H---------- Vehicle route discontinued, stopping under abnormal situation.

Remark: Black italic is sent by computer, the others are sent by vehicle
Protocol end:  0DH + 0AH

Specific format below:AAH + BBH  + Vehicle solution + Function number + 0DH + 0AH

1. Whether the communication between wheels and computer is online or not:
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 01H + 0DH + 0AH

2. Vehicle answering for the wheel information of computer

AAH + BBH  + 00H + 02H + 0DH + 0AH

3. Computer sending route information
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 03H + Route number +  Guidance wire number+ Speed of vehicle + Direction of vehicle +
Destination station check number+ minutes for parking + seconds for parking + motion of roller valve + 0DH + 0AH

Route No. 0-27, 28 routes input for the completed route table at the most.
Guidance tape No. 0-2, 3 guidance tapes in total, vehicle keeps changing among 3 tapes for any-directional moving.
AGV speed from 0-4, respectively stands for each gear, 0 stands for stop, 4 stands for top speed.
Vehicle direction from 0-1, 0 means moving forward, 1 means moving backward
Destination No. : the AGV switches routes by reading the RF card on the ground, address No. is the RF card No.
Parking time from 0-59 stands for 0-59 minutes.
Parking time from 0-59 stands for 0-59 seconds.
Parking time can be 59 minutes 59 seconds when the above two combined.
When minute and second show 88 min 88sec, it means permanent parking, the current route is the one last route of the whole route table.
Roller valve action, 00 stands for no action, 01 stands for corotation, 02 stands for reversion.
Roller valve action can only be activated wen temporarily parking, the so-called temporarily parking means parking with time limitation.

4. AGV answering route information, complete receiving and request next route.
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 04H + 0DH + 0AH

5. Computer requests AGV start running
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 05H + 0DH + 0AH

6. AGV answers starting command and run
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 06H + 0DH + 0AH

7. AGV complete current route
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 07H + 0DH + 0AH

8. AGV complete all routes of the route table, arrive permanent station.
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 08H + 0DH + 0AH

9. AGV discontinued, abnormal parking.
AAH + BBH  + 00H + 09H + 0DH + 0AH


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